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CI/CD in Serverless

If you're a GitHub or GitLab user, you can use our predefined workflows to seamlessly deploy and synchronize your code to Dagster+. You can also use other Git providers or a local Git repository with our dagster-cloud CLI to run your own CI/CD process.

If you're a GitHub user, with a single click our GitHub app with GitHub Actions can set up a repo containing skeleton code and configuration for you consistent with Dagster+'s best practices. Pushing your code changes to the main branch will automatically deploy them to your prod Serverless deployment. Pull requests will spin up ephemeral branch deployments that you can view in the Dagster+ UI for previewing and testing.


If you are importing a Dagster project that's in an existing GitHub repo:

  • The repo will need to allow the Workflow permission for Read and write permissions. Workflow permissions settings can be found in GitHub's Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions. In GitHub Enterprise, these permissions are controlled at the Organization level.

  • An initial commit will need to be able to be merged directly to the repo's main branch to automatically add the GitHub Actions workflow files. If branch protection rules require changes be done through a pull request, it will prevent the automatic setup from completing.

    • You can temporarily disable the branch protection rules and then re-enable them after the automatic setup completes.