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Sigma (dagster-sigma)

Dagster allows you to represent your Sigma project as assets, alongside other your other technologies like dbt and Sling. This allows you to see how your Sigma assets are connected to your other data assets, and how changes to other data assets might impact your Sigma project.

Sigma API

Here, we provide interfaces to manage Sigma projects using the Sigma API.

Assets (Sigma API)

class dagster_sigma.SigmaOrganization

Represents a workspace in Sigma and provides utilities to interact with the Sigma API.


This API will be removed in version 1.9.0. Use dagster_sigma.load_sigma_asset_specs instead.

Returns a Definitions object representing the Sigma content in the organization.

Parameters: dagster_sigma_translator (Type[DagsterSigmaTranslatorDagsterSigmaTranslator]) – The translator to use to convert Sigma content into AssetSpecs. Defaults to DagsterSigmaTranslator.Returns: The set of assets representing the Sigma content in the organization.Return type: Definitions

class dagster_sigma.SigmaBaseUrl

Enumeration of Sigma API base URLs for different cloud providers.

class dagster_sigma.DagsterSigmaTranslator

Translator class which converts raw response data from the Sigma API into AssetSpecs. Subclass this class to provide custom translation logic.

class dagster_sigma.SigmaDataset

Represents a Sigma dataset, a centralized data definition which can contain aggregations or other manipulations.

class dagster_sigma.SigmaWorkbook

Represents a Sigma workbook, a collection of visualizations and queries for data exploration and analysis.

class dagster_sigma.SigmaFilter

Filters the set of Sigma objects to fetch.

Parameters: workbook_folders (Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]]) – A list of folder paths to fetch workbooks from. Each folder path is a list of folder names, starting from the root folder. All workbooks contained in the specified folders will be fetched. If not provided, all workbooks will be fetched.


This API may break in future versions, even between dot releases.

Returns a list of AssetSpecs representing the Sigma content in the organization.

Parameters: organization (SigmaOrganizationSigmaOrganization) – The Sigma organization to fetch assets from.Returns: The set of assets representing the Sigma content in the organization.Return type: List[AssetSpec]